Excellent investment
Mastern consistently stays one step ahead in creating new and innovative investment opportunities.
More and Better Business
At Mastern, we look beyond success.
Mastern is committed to building an ecosystem that allows investors, stakeholders, and local communities to grow together.
We focus on building our competitiveness in ways that will benefit our communities and the environment,
ensuring a sustainable future, in addition to generating steady profits.
Number of Assets223
Number of Employees200+Number of Employees200+
As experts in investment management, Mastern will never cease innovating.
We will deliver results while also contributing to a better future.
(Environmental, Social and Governance)
Long-term investment
ESG investments are made with a long-term perspective.
ESG criteria are assessed and analyzed
at the preliminary stages while conducting
due diligence, while goals are set and
achieved through proactive engagement. -
ESG Risk management
Real estate is a tangible asset with low liquidity
and cannot be easily relocated.
ESG is especially important for these types
of investments. -
ESG opportunity creation
Demand for green buildings will grow along with
strengthened environmental regulations,
and financing is easier and procurement costs reduced
with the issuance of ESG bonds.